
Get Your Mailing Noticed - Seven Tips for Effective Direct Mail Pieces

When sending mail to clients and potential clients, make your mailing stand out from the stacks of "junk mail" they receive. Here are a few easy ways to get their attention.

Hand address the envelope. Pre-printed labels scream "mass mailing." Addressing by hand adds a personal touch.

Use a bright post card or envelope.

Put stamps on the envelope, instead of using a meter.

Even better, use old stamps. Visit a stamp shop or show in your town to pick up old, unused postage stamps. You can often buy old sheets of stamps for face value or below. Look for stamps with themes that relate to your business.

Include "teaser copy" on the envelope. Get them to open and read it by promising startling news, an exciting offer, or other enticement. Then, deliver on your promise.

Send post cards instead of envelopes. With all the copy right there in front of them, recipients will have to read it.

Keep a consistent look for repeat mailings. Your audience should recognize your mailings, catalogs, newsletters, post cards or other communications on sight.

Some people believe that email has made "snail mail" communications obsolete, but that is certainly not true. Make your mailings interesting and attractive (and target the right audience), and you will discover how effective mail can be.

Copyright Cathy Stucker. As the Idea Lady, Cathy Stucker can help you attract customers and make yourself famous with inexpensive and free marketing ideas. Get free tips, articles and more at



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