
How to Hold An Extremely Successful Event - 10 Tips

Every event you hold can be extremely successful. Apply these 10 tips to guarantee a memorable event for everyone who attends.

Create excitement through a teaser campaign - create a marketing plan to include activities to contact your delegates before the event to create excitement.

Create a clear and correct agenda - publish an accurate agenda that includes locations, room names, times, speaker biographies and tips for your event.

Create an environment of expectation & learning - the teaser campaign will assist you create expectation. In all communications state what your delegates will learn by attending the sessions.

Encourage personal action plans as a result of their learnings - regularly remind delegates to make a note of the actions they will take when the event is completed. You may like to provide them with a separate booklet or page to list these actions.

Brief speakers on the conference theme and company challenges - Ask your speakers to customise their presentation to ensure it is relevant to your delegates.

Invite your speaker to the meal with delegates after the presentation - get more out of the excitement from your speaker's presentation by asking them to be available to your delegates after the presentation. They will enjoy being able to ask questions and provide feedback to your chosen speaker.

Send article or information from the speaker after the conference event - leverage your investment by sending an article from your speaker in your internal newsletter or e-zine to remind delegates of their event experience and also provide valuable self-development at the same time.

Book a series with the same speaker so they can address the audience multiple times - your delegates will anticipate what the speaker is going to say and they will remember their experience from your previous event.

Follow up delegates 30 days after the event - include in your marketing plan a communication piece that includes delegate's feedback, possibly photos of your event and the top 10 tips from the event.

Make your event fun - include fun in the agenda, capture the fun moments on a digital camera and project a slide show at the end of the event, include activities where delegates can laugh and relax.

Neen is a Global Productivity Expert: by looking at how they spend their time and energy - and where they focus their attention - Neen helps people to rocket-charge their productivity and performance. A dynamic speaker, author and corporate trainer, Neen demonstrates how boosting your productivity can help you achieve amazing things. With her unique voice, sense of fun and uncommon common-sense, Neen delivers a powerful lesson in productivity.

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