
No More Lists To Remember

Are the endless lists of Top-7's and Top-10's taxing your brain and your memory? Do you ever feel like trying to keep all these ideas straight, let alone apply them properly at the correct moment in time an overwhelming chore? How often do you find yourself having to review these lists? Perhaps endlessly until the next list comes out and then it's back to square one again.

Wouldn't you rather live, work and be spontaneously effective, without having to pull out your "how to" lists? Just imagine for a moment beng able to live this way. Doesn't this feel like a weight has just been taken off your shoulders? Don't you already feel more competent, more confident. Now I know you "think" this is not possible, but I would like to suggest that you already, even if you doubt this, know deep inside you what is the right thing for you in every moment.

You see most of us have had this knowledge drummed out of us by the numerous years of education each of us has undertaken. This probably sounds odd to you but if you notice how confident recent graduates feel about entering the work world you'll find that most are paralyzed by fear and self doubt. Shouldn't all this education make them feel capable and confident? Well, it's supposed to but the actual effect is the reverse.

So with all this self doubt many keep looking outside of themselves, perhaps to others to provide them with a list of instructions of how to work and live effectively. So my question becomes, how do you know if any of these lists actually work? Well you might say, "if they achieve the results I'm looking for and thereby make me feel happy and fulfilled".

Now I wish to point something out here, and it's a subtle point. In order for you to know whether something is right for you, you already have to have an internal reference point by which to measure it by. You might wish to refer to a recent article I recently wrote, entitled "Intelligent Emotions" , to see a more elaborate discussion about this.

Without such an inner reference point, if something that happened to you was supposedly beneficial for you you wouldn't know unless you spontaneously felt some feelings of happiness associated with it. The fact that you feel the happiness at all is a sign that there is an inner intelligence inside of you that "already knows" what is good for you!

So how does it feel to know that you have had this inner intelligence "drummed out of you" during your life? Probably not so good. That feeling is a sign that having it drummed out of you is "not good for you"! Are you ready and willing to reclaim it for your self and live a full, competent and confident life?

If so you may wish to visit the web site in my bio below. All the best in your journey.

Dr. Nick Arrizza is trained in Chemical Engineering, Business Management & Leadership, Medicine and Psychiatry. He is a Key Note Speaker, Author, Stress Management Coach, Peak Performance Coach & Researcher, Specializes in Life and Executive Performance Coaching, is the Developer of a powerful new tool called the Mind Resonance Process(TM) that helps build phyiscal, emotional, mental and spirtual well being by helping to permanently release negative beliefs, emotions, perceptions and memories. He holds live workshops, international telephone coaching sessions and international teleconference workshops on Physical. Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Well Being. Web Site:



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