
How to Counsel Your Non-Performing Team Members - 10 Tips

Counselling non-performing team members is a tough part of any managers role. This article is full of tips to help you perform this difficult role.

b>Understand your company has processes in place that need to be adhered to - if your company doesn't have standards for this seek advice and implement immediately.

Practice active listening - maintain eye contact, switch off mobile phones and take notes when you are counselling team members.

Manage your body language - be aware of the way you sit; fold your arms and your eye contact. Sit beside the person you are counselling and not across the table in a formal manner.

Choose a difference location to the office - it may be more effective to go to a quiet conference room or a coffee shop to create an environment that will allow you to counsel them without others being involved.

Take notes - always take detailed notes of the time, date and who was present at the meeting. Write down any actions that have been agreed between all parties and repeat them back to the team member to make sure everything discussed is clear.

Know your human resource policies - also understand there are serious consequences of not complying with these policies. You can contact your state government department if you don't have clear policies. Protect your company with documented process and policy.

Be prepared for the appointment - record the details of the meeting in your calendar as a counselling session, make a note on the staff file, set an agenda for the meeting and circulate it to the team member in advance of the meeting. Give the team member plenty of notice for the meeting and eliminate any other distractions.

Get coaching or training if you need it - seek advice if you are not confident counselling staff - your manager will be able to assist you with this or your Human Resource Manager.

Offer your team member they may have another person accompany them to the session - allow them to invite a witness if they believe it is necessary. Make this person feel comfortable at the appointment.

Use appropriate language - be sensitive to the situation and avoid swearing, blame or unnecessary descriptions. Be factual and have specific examples of situations you were not satisfied with. Avoid general statements and stick to the facts.

Neen is a Global Productivity Expert: by looking at how they spend their time and energy - and where they focus their attention - Neen helps people to rocket-charge their productivity and performance. A dynamic speaker, author and corporate trainer, Neen demonstrates how boosting your productivity can help you achieve amazing things. With her unique voice, sense of fun and uncommon common-sense, Neen delivers a powerful lesson in productivity.

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